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Student Committees

Committees are a great way for students to get leadership experience while in medical school. Student position on committees are open to students from all campuses. To join a committee, participate in an interview day.

Committees designated by a * participate in Spring Interview Day.
Committees designated by ** participate in Fall Interview Day.
Committees without an asterisk do not participate in interview day.

Upcoming Interview Day

Dean-Appointed Committees

These committees bring student perspective into administrative, curricular and student life decisions. The positions are managed by the Faculty Affairs and Professional Development office.

These committees will review all the applications before Spring Interview day, and the applicant will be notified if they will interview for that committee on Spring Interview day.

A student may only hold one position on a dean appointed committee at a time. If selected for more than one dean appointed committee, the student may only accept one offer.

If you have questions about a specific committee, please reach out to the student contact listed.

The class year that is noted for accepted students indicates the class year during which students will begin to carry out their role. Fourth year students are from the class of 2025, third year students are from the class of 2026, second year students are from the class of 2027.

  • Admissions Committee (AC)*
    Committee Description

    Serves as a full participant in the admissions and student selection process

    Accepts students from all nine campuses. Students must be willing to meet virtually 1 – 3 Wednesdays per month for interviews and admissions meetings.

    An additional interview after Spring Interview day will be required for applicants to this committee

    Term length: One year

    Accepts three fourth-year students

    Student Contact: Abby Settle (, Anna Feliciano (, Jay Chopra (
  • Academic Standards Committee (ASC)*
    Committee Description

    Implements a systematic evaluation process for the curricular components (courses and clerkships) of medical education. Ensures adherence to the IU School of Medicine Institutional Learning Objectives and curricular policy; comparability of instruction, assessment and outcomes; and equivalency in grading. Reports to the Curriculum Council Steering Committee (CCSC). Accepting 2-3 new student members.

    Student Year: MS2, MS3, MS4
    Term length: Two years
    Student Contact: Radha Patel (
  • Curriculum Council Clinical Component (CCC)*
    Committee Description

    The Clinical Component Committee (CCC) is charged by the CCSC to oversee the design, implementation, and quality of the clinical science curriculum at IUSM. Its focus is on the management of a contemporary clinical science curriculum guided by the IUSM Institutional Learning Objectives, oversight of single clerkships across all nine campuses, and management of student outcomes/performance across the timeline of the Clinical Science curriculum.

    Student Year:
    MS3, MS4
    Term length: Two years
    Student Contact: Livia Georgescu (, Anjali Sivamohan (
  • Curriculum Council Steering Committee (CCSC)*
    Committee Description

    This committee is the faculty body that manages the medical curriculum for Indiana University School of Medicine through oversight of its design, implementation and management of the school’s curriculum at all campuses. The CCSC sets curricular policy for education and has oversight responsibility for ensuring compliance and comparability. The CCSC reviews data at specified intervals to monitor and evaluate the curriculum as a whole and make informed decisions to enhance, coordinate and ensure coherence of the educational program.

    Student Year:
    MS2, MS3, MS4
    Term length: Minimum of two years
    Student Contact: Rachel Gross (, Clayton Hicks (
  • Foundational Component of the Curriculum Committee (FCC)*
    Committee Description

    Oversees the design, implementation and quality of the integrated basic science curriculum at IU School of Medicine. FCC’s focus is on the management of a contemporary foundational science curriculum guided by the IU School of Medicine Institutional Learning Objectives, oversight of course level comparability, and management of student outcomes/performance across the timeline of the foundational science curriculum. The FCC recommends policy on matters relating to the foundational science curriculum as a whole and reports to the CCSC.

    The committee meets one time per month for two hours (12 pm – 2 pm) via zoom, plus a day long retreat via zoom before the fall semester starts.

    Student Year:
    MS2, MS3, MS4
    Term length: Two years 
    Student Contact: Michelle LaTurner (
  • POCUS*
    Committee Description

    Provides student perspective on POCUS curriculum and implementation throughout all nine campuses.

    The committee meets monthly with the POCUS education team.

    Student Year:
    MS2, MS3
    Term length: 2 years 
    Student Contact: Andrea Monsivais Rodriguez (
  • Student Promotions Committee (SPC)*
    Committee Description

    Monitors medical student academic and professionalism standards by reviewing academic performance after each grading period and after each USMLE. Student members will serve alongside IU School of Medicine Deans of Medical Student Affairs, Clerkship Directors and chosen faculty members as voting members in the medical student disciplinary and dismissal process.

    The committee meets 1-2 times per month.

    An additional interview after Spring Interview day will be required for applicants to this committee

    Student Year: MS4
    Term length:
    One year 
    Student Contact: Kayla Stephenson (
  • Student Research Committee (SRC)*
    Committee Description

    The Student Research Committee (SRC) serves to encourage student research initiatives across all campuses, with special emphasis on the IMPRS and MedSTAR programs at IU School of Medicine, as well as other national and international programs. The SRC also coordinates the planning of events such as the IMPRS Research Symposium and the Research Meet N’ Greet.

    The SRC meets quarterly with faculty to discuss ongoing student research initiatives at IU School of Medicine.

    Student Year: MS2, MS3
    Term length: Two years 
    Student Contact: Marie Nour Karam (

Medical Student Education-Appointed Committees

These committees are overseen by the Office of Medical Student Education and Medical Student Council. There is a faculty advisor involved with each committee. If you have questions about a specific committee, please reach out to the student contact listed. The class year that is noted for accepted students indicates the class year during which students will begin to carry out their role. Fourth year students are from the class of 2025, third year students are from the class of 2026, second year students are from the class of 2027.

  • Advocates for Clerkship Enhancement (ACE)*

    Committee Description

    This student-led committee improves core clerkship experiences by ensuring there is an effective and transparent means of communication between third- and fourth-year medical students and clerkship directors to address concerns and improve teaching and education in the clerkship years. There are two ACE reps per every required third year rotation, along with an ACE rep for each Sub-I at IU School of Medicine.

    There are quarterly meetings as a full committee. Meetings with clerkship directors vary depending on clerkship position.

    Student Year:
    MS3, MS4
    Term length: One year

    Please indicate which clerkship(s) you would be interested in serving for on your application.

    These are the current positions that are open:

    • 2 for Anesthesia
    • 1 for Critical Care
    • 1 for Emergency Medicine
    • 2 for Family Medicine
    • 1 for Family Medicine Sub-I
    • 2 for Internal Medicine
    • 0 for Medicine Sub-I
    • 2 for Neurology
    • 1 for OBGYN
    • 0 for OBGYN Sub-I
    • 1 for Pediatrics
    • 1 for Pediatrics Sub-I
    • 2 for Psychiatry
    • 1 for Surgery
    • 1 for Surgery Sub-I
    • 2 for Radiology
    • 1 for STEPs

    Student Contact: Alexis Macha (

  • Common Read Experience Committee**

    Committee Description: The role of committee members is the following

    • Read the chosen text for 2024 and assist in selecting the 2025 Common Read text
    • Create and approve program learning outcomes.
    • Facilitate connections across the school community and encourage faculty, staff, and learners to read and utilize the text in curricular and co-curricular spaces.
    • Develop methods to integrate the common read text into first-year medical student courses and beyond.
    • Plan co-curricular events and programs connected to the common read for the current academic year.

    Student Year: MS1, MS2
    Term length:
    One year 
    Contact: Niki Messmore (

  • Community Immersion Project (CIP)**

    Committee Description
    The Community Immersion Project (CIP) is an IUSM tradition. This service learning experience takes place each year during orientation. The CIP has evolved over time due to the innovative planning of its previous committee members. At one point the day was all 360 students volunteering in Indy at two nonprofits with no real reflection or education on the social issues in our community. Now CIP is hosted on each regional campus so students can get to know their own local community, there is a reflection discussion, and education is provided around social issues.

    Committee Responsibilities:
    Students will select sub-committees (Community Partnerships, Education, or Promotions).

    • The Community Partnerships sub-committee works to develop committed partnerships with enough nonprofits to place all of their campus’ students. Now that CIP is entering its fifth year, most campuses have some established partnerships with nonprofits, so the workload may vary. CP sub-committee members oversee the logistics of placing students at nonprofits and communicate with stakeholders.
    • The Education sub-committee will initiate the development of how they want to educate their MS1s (most campuses will be able to build off of existing documents) and once nonprofit partners are selected, they will develop something specially around that social issue (i.e., if you have a group serving at a food pantry, put together an infographic on food insecurity in your region). The Education sub-committee also develops and refines the reflection discussion and accompanying facilitator guide.
    • The Promotions sub-committee decides on the t-shirt design, and then work with the FYE committee to market the CIP to matriculating students. This group will also work with IUSM Communications to write a blog post about the event. During the event, they will monitor the PhotoCircle and encourage folks to take photos of the event.

    Time Commitment

    Meetings: All meetings are via zoom since this is a statewide committee. There will be one kick-off transition meeting in late October or early November. During January and February there will be 2-3 meetings. There are monthly meetings from March to June and then around 2 meetings in July. There may be additional sub-committee meetings during the summer. After orientation, members have a debrief meeting.

    In-person expectations: CIP members should expect to serve at their home campus for CIP during orientation (first week of August).

    The CIP committee is looking for:

    1. Current MS1s who care about getting to know their community and introducing new MS1s to their community this August.
    2. Student representatives from each campus.

    Term Length
    Members serve a term from October 2024 to August 2025. Members can elect to return as a Co-Chair to return for one year. However, the committee is most active from January through August.

    Niki Messmore, Director of Medical Service Learning |

  • Competency Directors Workgroup (CDW)*
    Committee Description

    Provides student perspective on competency-based education and work with the Competency Directors to develop, monitor and manage competency-based educational activities, programs and assessments. Members meet with the Competency Directors one time per month to discuss competency-based education at IU School of Medicine.

    Student Year:
    MS2, MS3, MS4
    Term length: Two years 
    Student Contact:
    Afsheen Mansoori (
  • First Year Experience Committee (FYE)**
    Committee Description
    Works closely with Medical Student Education (MSE) to plan and implement a schedule of communications and activities for First-Year Orientation. Represents the statewide campus experiences and serves as a resource for incoming students.

    Selects peer mentors for the incoming Indianapolis class and provides social opportunities for the incoming IU School of Medicine students, aiding in IU School of Medicine First Year Experience (FYE) activities.

    Required attendance at monthly meetings during January-May and weekly meetings in June and July. Attendance required at a winter retreat.

    Term length: 1.5 years

    Seeking: 1 student representative for each campus/Lead Advisor. The first-year class President also serves on the committee.
  • Library Advisory Committee (LAC)**
    Committee Description

    Provides student input for the allocation of library funds and creation of the library budget annually

    Required to attend one meeting annually in the spring

    Student Year:
    any year (preference for MS3, MS4)
    Term length:
    One to two years depending on student preference
  • MAP Advisory Committee (MAC)*

    Committee Description

    A student consultation group focused on data-driven continuous improvement of the mentoring and advising program (MAP). Commitment includes providing feedback in-person at scheduled meetings or by email.

    Student Year:
    MS2, MS3, MS4
    Term length:
    One to two years depending on student preference and availability
    Student Contact: Nicholas Crowe (, Alexis Macha (

  • Organization of Student Representatives (OSR)
    Committee Description

    The OSR Representative is an elected class officer position

    Representatives serve as a class liaison to the Organization of Student Representatives (OSR), which is the student branch of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). This position allows students to attend national and regional meetings and collaborate with other medical student leaders to share student opinion regarding medical student life and education with national leaders in academic medicine. Additionally, OSRs are tasked with sharing resources and disseminating information from AAMC meetings with peers and school leadership. One member of the committee will be designated as the primary OSR (usually a current fourth-year student) with three alternative OSRs representing each class.

    Term length: Three years; renewable annually

    Members: Four total members; accepts one current MS1 student each year

  • Personal and Professional Development Advisory Committee**

    Committee Description
    Responsible for developing the required personal and professional development experiences for students.

    The goals of this series of sessions are to help students better:

    1. Manage their expectations of self
    2. Increase awareness of resources for academic support and wellness
    3. Prepare for the next transition/ Professional Identity Formation

    Commitment: 1 – 3 meetings each semester. Students will also conduct one Personal and Professional Development Session at their home campus

    Student Year:
    MS2, MS3, MS4
    Term Length: 2 Years 
    Contact: Erin Dafoe,

  • Student Curriculum Committee**
    Committee Description

    The SCC will review outcomes data (student evaluation questions and comments; faculty comments) for each Phase 1 course. The SCC generated report will be included in the End of Course report that the Phase 1 course management teams submit to the Foundational Component of the Curriculum Council Steering Committee (CCSC). Meetings are scheduled based on when courses are reviewed, but will usually be monthly.

    Members: A total of 18 students are sought to serve on the committee made up of nine (9) MS1 students and nine (9) MS2. At least half of the SCC membership should be from the regional campuses.

    Term Length: MS1 students are expected to serve on the committee for two years. MS2 are expected to serve one year.

    Student Contact: Nicole Frey, SCC Chair (
  • Student Fund Committee**
    Committee Description
    Student Fund Committee members will review and decide on student funding requests related to student events and initiatives, technology, and wellness. Committee members will be required to attend roughly two meetings during the year but most Committee business will take place via a Smartsheet that requests funnel to and email.

    Structure: Only Indianapolis students (as each campus has its own funding committee), and we will need 1 member each from the 2026, 2025, and 2023 class.
    Term length: One year
    Contact: Erin Dafoe,
  • Student Space and Renovation Committee (SSR)*

    Committee Description

    Determines the needs for student facilities and collaborates with Medical Student Education (MSE) to find funding for initiatives

    Student Year: 
    MS2, MS3, MS4
    Term length: Two to three years. Meets 2-3 times per semester. 
    Student Contact: Katherine Vogel (

Medical Student Council-Appointed Committees

These committees are overseen by Medical Student Council and are based around student-run initiatives.

The class year that is noted for accepted students indicates the class year during which students will begin to carry out their role. Fourth year students are from the class of 2025, third year students are from the class of 2026, second year students are from the class of 2027.

  • Admissions Ambassadors (AA)**
    Ensures that students participating in medical school admissions interviews at Indiana University School of Medicine are comfortable during their interview. Ambassadors participate in panels on interview days to answer applicant questions about the school. Ambassadors also schedule and arrange campus tours for interested students during and outside of interview season.

    Student Year:
    MS1, MS2, MS3, MS4. 1-2 students per regional campus, 4-6 students in Indianapolis
    Term length: 1-3 years 
    Contact: Caylin Billingsley (, Aditya Belamkar (
  • Evening of the Arts (EOTA)
    Organizes the annual Evening of the Arts event during which students and staff of IU School of Medicine showcase their musical, artistic, theatrical, dance or other talents

    The Evening of the Arts was founded by Jose Espada, director of Medical Student Financial Services; Mark Ray Albrecht, MD, Class of 1993; and Keith Woodard, MD, Class of 1992. In the spring of 1991, Albrecht, Woodard and Espada performed at the Association of American Medical Colleges annual meeting held in Indianapolis. Inspired by the performance, Albrecht suggested developing a variety show that would showcase the talents of medical students. Thus, Evening of the Arts was born. The first show brought in over $2,500 in profits that went toward the outfitting of the Wheeler Mission Ministries Saturday clinic, where Albrecht and Woodard volunteered.

    Term length: Two years

    Members: Seven second-year or third-year students
  • First Generation Committee**
    Committee Description

    Committee Description: The First Generation Committee is a collaboration between medical students, Medical Student Affairs, and Mentoring and Advising. The group aims to 1) support first-generation students now attending medical school, 2) create a network of first-generation students, faculty, and staff at IUSM, and 3) celebrate the individual stories of our first-generation students, faculty, and staff.

    Committee Members

    Three (3) medical students serving as President, Vice President, or Treasurer. Two (2) staff advisors. Position availability depends on how many committee members are resigning their position. New positions may be added based on interest and need. Students who apply for this committee should identify as first-generation students. The term first-generation has many meanings, however, it is typically defined as a student who is the first person in their immediate family to obtain a bachelor’s degree. The First Generation Committee does serve more than just first-generation college students. If you have questions about your eligibility, please reach out to Interview Day Leadership who can direct you to our committee members.
    Student Year: MS1, MS2, MS3
    Term Length: 1 year
    Student Contacts: Thian Hnem (, (317) 665-2711); Taylor Prechtel (, (812) 827-0828)
  • Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSP)*
    Committee Description

    1-2 members serve as the primary liaison for the Medical Student Council within the larger IU Indianapolis Student Government, which represents the concerns of all graduate and professional students

    Student Year:
    Term length:
    Two years 
    Student Contact:
    Alexander Smith (, Molly Beatty (
  • Indiana University School of Medicine Orchestra
    Student leader: JD Damrath

    Contact email:

    Description: The Indiana University School of Medicine Orchestra features health professionals of all career stages associated with the IUSM community, allowing an outlet for musical talent and a reprieve from demanding work or school schedules.

    Our group meets weekly on Sundays during the Fall and Spring semesters and does not require auditions. Please contact us at email if you are interested in joining.
  • Medical Student Alumni Council (MSAC)
    Serves as a bridge between IU School of Medicine alumni and students to further student-alumni engagement, as well as to influence alumni programming. Students will be expected to speak during alumni board meetings with approximately 20 alumni present.

    Required to attend three Saturday meetings annually (meetings held in the spring, fall and winter)

    Student Year:
    MS2, MS3, MS4
    Term length: One year
  • Service Learning Coalition Board Positions*

    NOTE: This group is interviewing students during spring interview day, but it is not a committee. Please check them out on their webpage.

    Service Learning Coalition SLC), formerly Medical Student Service Group, is a student-led group that fosters student leadership through engagement with community service learning experiences. SLC provides opportunities for students to gain skills in leadership, peer mentoring and assessment while engaging with their community through service. SLC works closely with medical student council (MSC) and with IU School of Medicine student affairs service learning professionals to foster and develop strong community relationships.

    The following positions are open:

    1. Data Management Chair (1): Develop and implement data governance policies and procedures to ensure consistency, accuracy, and compliance across all locations and projects. Establish protocols for data collection, storage, sharing, and access. Lead the analysis of data collected from various projects and locations to identify trends and insights. Generate regular reports and dashboards to communicate key findings. Prepare data to present to IU School of Medicine leadership, accreditation committees, conferences, and award applications to showcase impactful service-learning initiatives. Unique in that this requires a 1.5-year term.
    2. Mentoring Chair (1): Act as a liaison between the SLC and existing organizations at IU School of Medicine and IU Indianapolis to help establish mentoring program connections. Serve as a resource for youth cluster groups to connect them with high school and undergraduate students who want to pursue a career in medicine.
    3. Cluster Chair (1): Act as a liaison between SLC and participating projects. Check in with project groups and serve as a resource for questions and help projects navigate obstacles they may be facing. Meet with projects once a semester to get updates on future events and discuss how SLC can aid in creation and promotion of events. Works closely with the SLC VP of Project Affairs.
    4. Events Chair (1): Help organize SLC’s main events for the year–including service learning days, fall call out meeting, spring call out fair, and end of the year student leadership awards.
    5. Campus Representative (1-2 per campus, 1 available spot each in South Bend and Bloomington): Organize service learning activities at the regional campuses. Also responsible for coordinating the regional campus portion of the yearly statewide Day of Service. Facilitate communication between their peers and the SLC board by relaying any service related events/concerns to the VP of Service.

    Student Year: MS2, MS3, MS4
    Term length:
    One Year 
    Student Contact
    : Ujwala Pamidimukkala (

  • SLC -  Big Brother Big Sister*
    Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) is a longitudinal one-on-one mentoring program. The Indiana University School of Medicine BBBS group seeks to promote student involvement and will get together with groups of mentoring pairs throughout the year.

    Student Year:
    MS2, MS3, MS4
    Roles Available: President, and Vice President
    Current Bigs are strongly encouraged to apply for leadership positions.
    Student Contact: Collin Wilkins (
  • SLC - Crispus Attucks*
    Crispus Attucks SIG (CASIG) is committed to providing mentoring and science education to high schoolers at Crispus Attucks High School. Located a couple of blocks away from Daly, Crispus Attucks is an IPS magnet school with students who are specifically interested in healthcare and medical professions. A large proportion of these students are economically disadvantaged, the majority of the student population identifies as African American or Hispanic, and all of the students we interact with could benefit from strong mentors interested in advocacy for underrepresented groups in healthcare. This is also a great way to coach some curious young scientists! Our current events consist of science talks in various classrooms approximately once per month, as well as opportunities for mentoring in-person and asynchronously. Officers meet between once and twice per month. We have some other ideas for programs, and we would love to hear your ideas too!

    Student Year:
    MS2, MS3, MS4
    Roles Available: President, VP, Treasurer, and Secretary
    Term Length: One year 
    Student Contact: Jordan Crabtree (
  • SLC - Habitat for Humanity
    Volunteer with local Habitat for Humanity chapters as well as other housing related nonprofits to help provide decent, affordable homes and alleviate substandard housing conditions.

    Activities include volunteering on a build site and helping with maintenance. With construction volunteering, you can instantly see your contribution to a family’s new home. Check out Habitat for Humanity volunteer opportunities here. No experience is needed. If you are interested in Surgery, this is also a GREAT way to improve your dexterity and eye-hand coordination, as well as an opportunity to work with your hands on a volunteer project.

    Student Year:
    MS2, MS3, MS4
    Spring break and summer break build trips are also offered 
    Student Contact: Maria Khan (
  • SLC - Disability Advocacy Service Learning group (DASL)*

    NOTE: This group is interviewing students during spring interview day, but it is not a committee. Please check them out on their webpage.

    Group Description: The Disability Advocacy Service Learning group (DASL) serves children and adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Medical students collaborate with community agencies such as the Joseph Maley Foundation and Special Olympics, among others, to engage and advocate for community members through acts of volunteerism. Furthermore, DASL helps to run the IU School of Medicine Best Buddies Citizens Chapter, an organization geared at pairing medical students with community members with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities to create 1-on-1 friendships.

    Roles available:

    • DASL chairs – not available this year.
    • Best Buddies chair – responsible for pairing medical students with community members, organizing events, and keeping in touch with members of the chapter to answer all questions/concerns.

    Student Year: MS2, MS3, MS4
    Term Length: 1-2 years
    Student Contact: Mahmood Kedo (, Sarah Pankratz (

  • Spring Formal Committee (SFC)*
    Committee Description
    Coordinates and organizes the spring formal currently known as the St. Vitus Dance. Also responsible for keeping MSC and the student body updated on issues relevant to the spring formal.

    Student Year:
    MS2, MS3
    Term length: Two years 
    Student Contact: Alyssa Iurillo (, Bhumi Patel (, Khang Phan (, Ali Jeffries (, Maria Florentin (
  • Student Curriculum Liaison Committee (SCLC)

    The Student Curriculum Liaison Committee (SCLC) strives to promote open communication between course directors and students in order to create proactive change for curriculum improvement. The student committee members will meet with the course directors on a monthly basis to review information gathered from students commenting on subjects such as lecturers, course content and exams. The goal of the SCLC is not to only improve aspects of the course that have received criticism but to also promote aspects of the course that have received praise.

    Member Responsibilities:

    • Attend SCLC online orientation and monthly online professional development and dialogue sessions.
    • Each week, facilitate a 5-10 minute face-to-face conversation with your classmates in each course to gather student feedback using the SCLC data collection worksheet.
    • Identify key themes, and gather the feedback into a typewritten version of the SCLC data collection worksheet. Ensure the tone of the feedback is constructive.
    • Schedule a meeting with your faculty member to review the worksheet, and collaborate to develop solutions.
    • During the following week, the faculty member and SCLC co-present to the class the response to the feedback and/or rationale for keeping the approach as-is.
    • Repeat this process weekly.
  • Student Research Symposium

    Designed to increase the platforms available for student research at IU School of Medicine